Joseph – It’s Just the Introduction

Most books have an introduction – whether they are about a fictional character or an autobiography about a person who made a positive difference in the world. However, some readers want to skip the introduction and proceed eagerly to chapter one. Or, they might even flip directly to the end of the story. Such readers are eager to discover the outcome – that the main character lives happily ever after, just as they had hoped.

Likewise, Joseph may have been eager to learn his own destiny. After all, his brothers were jealous that their father loved him most. Furthermore, they hated him because his dreams symbolized Joseph reigning over them. Being led by the hatred accumulated in their hearts, his brothers concocted plans to murder Joseph. They threw him into a pit! He was brutally separated from his father when his brothers decided to sell him into slavery. Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh in Egypt, purchased Joseph and forced him to live life as a slave.

What more could go wrong?

Peering into the life of Joseph, we could say he was doomed to suffering. However, as we continue reading the Scriptures, we learn that our God was with Joseph. It was because God was with Joseph that Potiphar’s house was blessed. Potiphar knew this and therefore promoted Joseph and made him overseer of all he owned.

But, Joseph’s troubles were not over.

Potiphar’s wife, who lusted after Joseph, lied and told her husband that Joseph raped her. She lied because Joseph, an upright young man, refused to give in to her advances. Her deceiving actions prompted Potiphar to sentence Joseph to prison.

Throughout this drama, the Scriptures continue to inform us that God was with Joseph.

Paradoxically, Joseph’s imprisonment led to God’s unfolding purpose for his life. You see, Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams eventually led Pharaoh to free him from prison. How? He interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and instructed him on what to do to prepare for the seven years of famine that were coming. As a result, Pharaoh appointed Joseph to be a ruler over all of Egypt.

The deceit, bondage and emotional pain Joseph experienced in his past culminated in his gaining a high position in Egypt – a position that would ultimately lead to the important role of saving his family from the upcoming famine.

The heartache and suffering Joseph experience earlier in his life was actually an introduction leading to God’s blessings for Joseph and his family. Eventually, we learn that Joseph forgave, loved and blessed his brothers and his father with a place to live in Egypt, as well as plenty of food to eat during the famine.

What’s more, although Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, his mother, the Virgin Mary was a descendant of Joseph. This tells us God’s plan, which unfolded through Joseph, was much bigger than saving his family from the famine. It was a plan that would culminate in saving people of all nations from their sins.

So, if you’re down and out, the next time someone asks you about your situation, look them in the eyes and politely say, “It’s definitely not easy; however, it’s just the introduction. In due season, God’s glory will prevail in my situation. God will bless me and others through me as His purpose unfolds.” As God shows you the way out, follow His leading, just like Joseph did. Ask God to give you a heart filled with His love and forgiveness, and be sure to bless other people as you walk with the Lord.